About Us




Abak Sangha aims at empowering a women through community based organization and has initiated the progress of development , as reducing poverty , economic growth , self reliance, over coming in equality , democratization in decision making , emancipation and all these leading to empowerment of women in particular and poor masses in general . The issues of the gender in equality are a part of the development problem on which Abak Sangha has been emphasizing since years .

Our Mission

Abak Sangha is committed to the cause of all round and sustainable development  of the poor schedule caste, tribes , other backward and segment of minority community and downtrodden segment of the society  with a prime focus on the women and children  belonging to low socioeconomic condition by way of taking up innovative and self sustainable development activities in the rural , semi urban  and urban areas .

Our Vission

A human  social order based on truth , justice , freedom , equity and integrity of the whole of the creation in which the basic human rights and the dignity of every individual are up held , in which the integrity of the family as a basic unit of the community strengthen , where power , resource and the fruits of development are shared by all.


  • Emphasis on the need of institutional development involving women group at the grass root level for poverty alleviation . This focus is strengthening the movement of women right , putting an end atrocities on them through social mobilation 
  • To inculcate self confidence and to provide social justice to disadvantaged and culturally deprived women through team work , awareness creation , gender sensitization and gender responsive programme .
  • To undertake eco friendly activities for sustainable development of women resources by a community management approach involving grass root level institutions .
  • To empower and educate the people to take health care as a priority area at the individual and collective level for better and healthy living and to understand the importance of reproductive health care of adolescent girls and mother for the well being of the society .
  • To advocate poverty alleviation by organizing rural masses especially the weaker sections  into groups and making them to take of capital formation as a way life i.e thrift to self supportive , self help oriented income generation project. Emphasis is laid on local condition oriented income generation activities and skill development schemes to provide benefit to the people in span of few years .
  • To propagate the fact that the women , equally with the men are expected to be the beneficiaries of development and thrust will be given  where the projects are concern with increasing access to resources . It is girls as such boys , women as much as men , who are or should be increasing their access to resources and handle gender responsive social and development issues in effective manner .
  • To provide vocational training and mobilize infrastructure facilities for income generation scheme to rural  women through micro enterprise and food processing unit .   





  •  Biodiversity and sustainable livelihood
  • To improve the health of women and children by aligning with Govt organization to provide reproductive health the policy to spread information technology to the farmers . and hygiene education
  • Technological development in the rural sector is one of the main trust with this end in view the organisation has adopted
  • Employment generation and economic empowerment of the youth
  • Focus on land and water management activities . The minor irrigation sector has become a trust area of our organization . We explored the possibility to cover more areas under minor irrigation
  • Human resource development is the prime policy of our organization . Periodically training , workshop and seminar have been organized to the field level. Core workers and volunterrs to develop their capacity and skill for efficient discharge of their duties 


  • Community health service.
  • Special health service for mother and child care
  • Socioeconomic rehabilitation of deprived and distressed women .
  • Education and Awareness Generation
  • Allied development activities like environment protection and rejuvenation with emphasis on eco-friendly propagation techniques.
  • Special programme for women in development
  • Formation of more women Self Help Groups (SHGs ) and its sustenance.
  • Micro-credit and income generation
  • Agro-based awareness generation and training to farmers for cultivation without chemical fertiliser and pesticide.
  • Eco-friendly nursery raising and Social and Farm Forestry
  • Plantation of medicinal plants
  • Integrated Rural development and community empowerment .
  • Environmental sanitation and portable drinking water


  • Awareness cum Exhibition  on “NOISE POLLUTION ,ITS EFFECT AND MANAGEMENT PRACTICE”   In Different    Urban Areas   Of West Bengal . Funded BY NCSTC , Department Of Science And Technology , Govt Of India
  • Organising Block Level Science Exhibition And Awarness Creation Among Backward Community In Aspirational District Of Birbhum In West Bengal Funded BY NCSTC , Department Of Science And Technology , Govt Of India